People really know how to go running their mouths, talking about things they have no business discussing, offering advice to others as if they were experts on the subject matter and never stop to consider the horrid self righteousness that permeates through each and every word they utter from their lips. They always set themselves up with classic phrases such as "bless your heart" or "I say this with all the love in my Christian heart." You reek of foul, fake foolishness. If you really had love, then you would go to the source and ask questions, not condemn or even condone. You would seek to understand, not judge. You watch someone and then you judge as if you had the eyes of God to see in their hearts!
Just as an iceberg has most of itself hidden under deep waters, each person's life has itself hidden in shrouds of the past. You may not understand the why or the how of someone's actions but you can bet they have a thousand miles of worn out shoes that tell one amazing story. If you knew every detail, you'd eat every foul word or thought that had manifested itself inside your tiny box of previous understanding. Knowing that should be enough to prevent future rash judgments, but yet, we always assume the worst about a person until they come forward with the whole story, and even then we tend to doubt them. Don't. It's not your business to know every intimate detail. You don't have to understand someone's actions or words. God knows. And that should be sufficient for you.
So the next time you think you have the urge to offer some supposed "wise words", ask yourself, "Do I really know the situation? Will my words help or wound the heart?" If you're not sure, then go with the latter. Too many "well-meaning" people drive others away with "good" intentions. Shut up, listen and give a hug instead.
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